New Trademark Revocation System


Referring to the Article 26 of the Industrial Property Code numbered 6769 (the “IPC”) the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office would be entitled to revoke a trademark. As you may already know, IPC postponed the entry into force of this article to the seventh anniversary of the IPC’s enactment, which is set to expire as of January 10, 2024.

So, since the date has come we are all waiting for the developments such as the online system updates to file the requests and so on.

Grounds for revocation and revocation request
ARTICLE 26- (1) Upon request, the revocation of the trademark shall be decided by the Office in the following situations:
a) Existance of conditions set out in the first paragraph of the Article 9.
b) Trademark becoming generic for the registered goods or services due to trademark proprietor’s actions or as a consequence of necessary measures not taken by the trademark proprietor.
(c) Trademark misleading the public concerning the nature, quality or geographic origin of the goods or services for which it is registered, as a result of the use by the trademark proprietor himself or with the trademark prorietor’s consent.
(ç) Use of trademark contrary to Article 32.